Whether we think about it or not, when we make a life change - we have a reason for doing it. This is our “WHY”.
When we make a drastic lifestyle change, our “Why” is essential for success. It can’t be just any old “WHY”. It has to be a reason that makes a profound difference to us. It has to be a "WHY" that will make you cry.
To look good by summer (Not a good “WHY”)
To live healthy to be here for my grandchildren (A great “WHY”).
In regard to changing from the Standard American Diet to a plant based diet, to be successful in the long run, a strong “WHY” inside you is key to hanging in there.
People won’t understand the change you’ve made.
Friends may take it personally when you bring your own food.
Eating out isn’t as easy as it used to be.
Other family members may not join you in eating plant based.
It may take longer than you’d like to change completely to plant based.
So, why is it even worth it?
You feel so much better!
No more constipation.
No more heartburn.
Better bloodwork results
Less risk of serious diseases
Possible reversing of diseases
Questions to Ask Yourself:
Do I really want to change?
If so, what are some reasons why?
Is one of my reasons strong enough to be my “WHY”?
Can I make this “WHY” a part of my thoughts?
Am I willing to embrace my “WHY” when I want to quit?
Will I find a friend who understands my “WHY” and reach out to him/her when I’m feeling weak?
End Result of Having a Strong “WHY”
I’ve learned plant based food is yummy,
Cooking plant based has become natural to me.
I have a wealth of great recipes for any occasion.
I’ve experienced much better health.
I feel like doing more than I did before.
I can now help others live a healthier life!
So, what is your "WHY" that would make you cry?
So helpful! Thank you!